What's New?


I added a trip description for Abbey Pond Cascades. This gave me an opportunity to get a fresh picture of the upper falls.


I added a trip description for Jefferson Falls. This is a new waterfall for me. I visited the falls a month ago on August 6.


I've started working on this site again. There is much to do! I plan to update resources and links, fix the text on several of the pages (typos, grammar, etc), promote site-wide consistency (better styles?), modernize the data presented (GPS coordinates, anyone?), add more pictures that I've had waiting in the wings for years, and, of course, start visiting waterfalls again.

My plan is to dedicate a small amount of time to working on this site each day. I will start with 30 minutes/day and see how that goes. Day-to-day progress won't be spectacular, but it should add up over time. Back in the day when this site was doing well, that was the approach I used. I found it both enjoyable and effective.

Stay tuned and visit again soon!

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© Copyright 2019 by Peter Chapin
Last Revised: September 6, 2019