Printed References

There are a number of books and guidebooks published that focus on just waterfalls. Gregory Plumb has compiled a bibliography of such guidebooks. His list covers waterfalls from all over the United States. If you are looking for on-line references, check out my Other Links page.

The following printed materials might be of interest to any waterfall enthusiast focusing on the New England region (New England, and bordering New York and Québec).

Before venturing out into the country looking for obscure waterfalls, you will want to acquire some good maps. Today it is common for people to use smartphone apps for road and trail navigation. Many such apps are available; I do not attempt to list or review them here (at this time). However, good paper maps are still recommended as backup in cases where phone service is not available, your phone battery discharges, or your phone is damaged or lost.

Standard road maps typically only show the major routes. While useful for getting to an area, they are not usually detailed enough to make the final approach to a waterfall. The best maps to get are from the USGS's topographic series. However, topographic maps are expensive—especially if you want to cover a large area with them.

I have found the DeLorme Maps to be an excellent substitute for USGS topographic maps. DeLorme maps can be purchased for every state. In addition to providing complete coverage of back roads, these maps also provide listings of various natural features, recreation areas, historic sites, and so forth. Some (not all) include information on waterfalls as well. Be aware, however, that in some cases, the markings on the DeLorme maps are off. There are instances where the location marked for a waterfall is significantly far away from the actual location.

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© Copyright 2024 by Peter Chapin <>
Last Revised: October 19, 2024