The following falls in Massachusetts were brought to my attention by various sources. These are all falls that I have not yet seen myself. As I visit these falls, I will take them off this list and add them to my main list.
ADAMS: Peck Brook Falls.
BARRE: Cook's Canyon & Nature Center. Cook's Canyon is named for the dramatic gorge at the south end of the property. The sanctuary includes coniferous planation and mixed hardwoods bordering the brook, a waterfall and a pond, and more than 100 species of wild native birds. There is a lovely view of the Ware River Valley from Look Out Road. Trails connect all of the interesting places. There is snowshoeing and cross-country hiking in the winter, nature study field trips, and organized Nature History Workshops, though no public camping is allowed. It is owned by the Massachusetts Audubon Society.
BELCHERTOWN: Holland Glen. A steeply sloped ravine with a stream cascading through a hemlock forest. It is a short climb and is preserved by the Belchertown Historical Society.
BLANFORD: Sanderson Falls & Surrounding area. A waterfall on Sanderson Brook in Chester-Blanford State Forest. The area is very scenic, reached by hiking trails.
CONWAY: Lake Wequanock. A small artificial lake in a gorge-like section of the South River, near its junction with the Deerfield River. There is a 50-foot dam, two waterfalls each 15 feet high, a small brook with a 50-foot drop, and heavily timbered slopes.
ERVING: Briggs Brook Falls.
FLORIDA: Twin Cascades.
LEVERETT: Honeymoon Falls and Gorge. A scenic gorge with small waterfalls, water slide, and pools on Roaring Brook. Also remains if an old Grist Mill. Further upstream the gorge continues for a half-mile.
LEVERETT: Rattlesnake Gutter.
LEVERETT: Roaring Brook Falls.
NORTH ADAMS: Natural Bridge .
NORTHFIELD: Pauchaug Falls.
NORTHFIELD: Old Wendell Road Falls.
NORTHFIELD: Four Mile Brook Falls.
PELHAM: Buffam Falls.
SAVOY: Tannery Falls.
SHELBURNE: Sluice Brook Falls.
SUNDERLAND: Gunn Brook Falls.
SUNDERLAND: Slatestone Brook Falls.
WILLIAMSTOWN: Deer Hill Falls.
WILLIAMSTOWN: March Cataract Falls.
WILLIAMSTOWN: Money Brook Falls.
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