List of Waterfalls

What follows is a list of waterfalls in New England for which I have some specific information. I have personally visited most of the falls listed below and have included my comments and pictures in each document. However, some of the falls listed below I have not visited. Nevertheless, I may have comments or pictures (or links to such things) from other people, or I may have some other information about them.

For each waterfall, I include a header in its document that summarizes the basic facts about that waterfall. I hope you find these summaries useful and accurate. I have prepared a document that describes what the various summary headers mean. In the future I may offer a way to search these documents based on the summary headers.


If it seems like I have a disproportionate number of waterfalls from Vermont, it's because I live in Vermont. I can visit most Vermont waterfalls in an afternoon. Visiting falls from other areas of New England is more challenging for me.

Here is a list of Vermont waterfalls that I haven't yet visited.

New Hampshire

Here is a list of just the waterfalls of the White Mountains. This list includes both falls that I have visited and many that I have not (yet) visited.

Here is a list of other New Hampshire waterfalls that I haven't yet visited.



Here is a list of Massachusetts waterfalls that I haven't yet visited.


Rhode Island

In addition to the "natural" falls listed above, I have some information about road cut falls (falls formed when a road cut was made) and urban falls (falls that exist inside cities and towns).

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© Copyright 2024 by Peter Chapin <>
Last Revised: October 19, 2024