Ellis Falls

Location: Andover, ME
Stream  : Ellis River.
Finding : Easy. Right along route 120.
Access  : Easy.

Wednesday, June 12, 1996

I was on my way from one fall to another when I spotted these falls beside the road. Although labeled in The Maine Atlas and Gazetteer (by the DeLorme Mapping Company), it was not noted as a "scenic waterfall." The falls were nice, but I have a feeling they wouldn't be much to see under normal conditions. Today the streams were very high due to heavy thunderstorms that had passed through only a few hours earlier.

The falls are right along route 120 just a couple of miles east of the center of Andover. Although not particularly high, the spot consists of the Ellis River tumbling over a large, rocky outcropping in an attractive way. The river divided into two major streamlets as it flowed over the falls (Picture [120 KBytes]).

The spot was clearly well known to the local residents. There was evidence that it was a party spot or a swimming hole. Just below the falls there was a large pool where the river collected itself again before continuing its journey to the Atlantic.

Worth stopping by if you're in the area, but don't make a special trip.

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© Copyright 2024 by Peter Chapin <waterfalls@pchapin.org>
Source: https://github.com/pchapin/waterfalls
Last Revised: October 19, 2024