Houston Brook Falls

Houston Brook Falls

Overview: I haven't yet visited these falls.
Location: Pleasant Ridge Plt, ME
Stream  : Houston Brook


I have not yet personally visited these falls. However, Deanna Flynn has sent me some information about them, and I am going to include that information here (with permission). The falls are marked on the latest edition of DeLorme's Main Atlas and Gazetteer. See my references for more information. Based on that map, I can give the following approximate directions.

From Bingham, ME take route 16 south (or is it west?). The road immediately crosses the Kennebec River. Right after the river crossing, turn right onto a side road. That road follows close to the river for some distance and eventually skirts the edge of Wyman Lake. About a mile after leaving the lake, the road comes to the area of the falls. I do not know what that area looks like, but Deanna tells me that there is a sign for the falls posted by the road. Furthermore, the path to the falls is apparently well-marked. The roads leading to the falls are all paved.


The following information was sent to me by Deanna. She visited these falls during the summer of 1997. She also sent me the picture of the falls displayed above.

"It was kind of a rough hike in although the trails were well maintained. I guess anything is rough walking with a two-year-old! I believe there may have been more to see also. This picture [above] was taken at the bottom of the falls where the stream feeds into the lake. I wish the color was better in my picture, but you can get the idea of it. It was not spectacular, but it was a nice waterfall. We waded in the pool at the bottom which I would think would be much deeper in the spring. When we were there the water seemed quite low. If you are ever up that way, it might be worth a stop."

Thank you for the notes! I'll have to check it out sometime. It does look like a nice waterfall.

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© Copyright 2024 by Peter Chapin <waterfalls@pchapin.org>
Source: https://github.com/pchapin/waterfalls
Last Revised: October 19, 2024