Kinsman Falls

Kinsman Falls

Location: Lincoln, NH
Stream  : Cascade Brook
Finding : Easy
Access  : Easy
Height  : Short. Maybe only 10 or 15 feet.

Wednesday, May 22, 1996

Kinsman Falls is on Cascade Brook just above a whole series of impressive cascades. The easiest way to get to the falls is to start at The Basin.

Follow the Basin-Cascade Trail from the west side of the trails surrounding The Basin. Take plenty of time to enjoy the cascades along Cascade Brook, but return to the trail as the cascades appear to run out. About 0.5 miles from the start of the trail, there is a sign for Kinsman Falls. You can't see it from the trail, but you can take a side trail down to the pool just below the falls.

The falls are not very high. However, they are perfectly vertical. The falls appear to just drop out of a narrow ravine in the rock and directly into a rather large pool. There was quite a bit of water going over them today; so much so that the base of the falls was a churning pile of foam. Despite the small size, the sound was an impressive rumbling.

The main trail continues on, and shortly another side trail leads you to the rocks at the top of the falls. I didn't find that view nearly as interesting, however.

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Last Revised: October 19, 2024