Buttermilk Falls

Buttermilk Falls

Location: Ludlow, VT
Finding : Easy enough.
Access  : Easy.

Saturday, August 17, 1996

Buttermilk Falls Today my daughter Hillary and I visited these falls for the first time. They were fairly easy to find. Start by taking Rt. 103 west out of Ludlow, Vermont. Just after the junction with Rt. 100 start looking for a VFW hall on the right side of the road. At the VFW hall turn right onto a paved side road. Follow that road 1.3 miles to the falls. There is no sign and no obvious parking area. However, there is a road/trail that decends (on the right) from the paved road toward the stream. If you are looking for it, you shouldn't have any trouble finding it. Today there was a "Vermont Bicycle Tours" van parked there and a number of people standing around. It was easy to locate.

The falls themselves were not particularly high. They poured over a ten-foot drop and into a large, deep pool of clear water. Although the bottom of the pool looked a bit rocky, it also looked like a very nice swimming hole. In fact, while we were there a woman stopped by and took a dip.

Quite a few people were there today. It was obvious that a group of bicyclists were stopping for a break from their tour and to enjoy a swim. The well-worn trails (and bits of litter) made it clear that the spot was a popular swimming hole.

Hillary and I explored the stream down below the falls. We spent some time splashing our feet in a pool below a lower, smaller cascade. Hillary even waded around for a bit. We then explored the stream above the falls. There was quite a crowd of people swimming in the pool just above the falls. Thankfully (for them) the current was not very strong today.

Interesting falls, but I have a feeling they would have been much more spectacular in high water.

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Source: https://github.com/pchapin/waterfalls
Last Revised: October 19, 2024