Button Falls

Button Falls

Overview: Nice falls but inaccessible
Location: Pawlet, VT
Stream  : Mettawee River
Height  : 25 feet (estimated)
Finding : Easy
Access  : Partially visible from roadside
Swimming: No
Basking : No
Privacy : None. Houses nearby
Legal   : Private land. No good access


From Pawlet

Starting at the center of Pawlet at the junction of routes 30 and 133, drive north on route 30 for three or four miles, to the junction with route 153. Continue on route 30 for a short distance and turn left on Button Falls Road. There is a bridge over the Mettawee River a hundred yards or so down the road. Park well before the bridge (there is no parking in the immediate vicinity of the river).


This is a spectacular waterfall, but it is on private land and very difficult to access. The only possible views are from the road where the falls are obscured by trees and private property. The land around the falls is heavily posted and fenced off with barbed wire.

The Mettawee River flows into a narrow gorge over a drop of 20 to 25 feet. The gorge turns shortly after the falls and goes under the Button Falls Road bridge.


Saturday, April 2, 2005

My wife and I visited these falls shortly after visiting the nearby and relatively uninteresting Butternut Bend Falls. The river was swollen from heavy rain and snowmelt making for an impressive display. We were disappointed that we couldn't get a closer look.

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© Copyright 2024 by Peter Chapin <waterfalls@pchapin.org>
Source: https://github.com/pchapin/waterfalls
Last Revised: October 19, 2024