Middlebury Gorge

Location: Middlebury, VT
Stream  : Middlebury River

Saturday, May 27, 1995

Along Rt. 125 just after crossing into Middlebury from Ripton, the Middlebury River passes through a deep, narrow gorge. There were no signs, but my friend, John, and I found a turn-off on Rt. 125 at about the right spot and parked there.

The turn-off was not very senic. In fact, quite a lot of trash had been thrown over the side of the road at that point and had collected into big piles a few feet below the road. Furthermore, there were lots of dead and rotting animal carcasses strewn about among the trash. Apparently this was a favorite spot for depositing road kills.

There were a couple of other cars parked in the turnoff, and there we met someone who had just been fishing in the gorge. He pointed out a faint trail that leads steeply downhill through a pine forest to the water.

The gorge itself was not particularly impressive—at least not where we were. There were some interesting cliffs along the side of the stream, but we didn't see any particularly interesting waterfalls. There were quite a few bugs.

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© Copyright 2024 by Peter Chapin <waterfalls@pchapin.org>
Source: https://github.com/pchapin/waterfalls
Last Revised: October 19, 2024