Other Vermont Waterfalls

The following falls in Vermont were brought to my attention by various people. These are all falls that I have not yet seen myself. As I visit these falls, I will take them off this list and add them to my main list.

The following notes were sent to me by Dean Goss on December 10, 1996 with some supplemental material sent to me on May 1, 1997. Thank you, Dean for this information! Dean has also sent me information about some New Hampshire waterfalls as well.

In addition to the falls above, I've also been encouraged to look for Molly's Falls in Marshfield. I understand them to be on the stream that flows out of Molly's Falls Pond and into the Winooski. A topographic map of the area (Marshfield Quadrangle) shows the stream flowing over a steep decline just before joining the river.

I investigated this area with my wife on April 13, 2003, but the stream appeared to be on private property and there were no obvious approaches. I saw no signs, parking areas, or trailheads along Rt. 2 or along the side road that runs alongside the Winooski in the same general area. This deserves more investigation at a later time.

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© Copyright 2024 by Peter Chapin <waterfalls@pchapin.org>
Source: https://github.com/pchapin/waterfalls
Last Revised: October 19, 2024