pchapin's Astronomy Page

Astronomical events for September 2014.

Astronomical Observation Markup Language (AOML)

The goal of my AOML project is to build an XML markup that can nicely capture the kinds of astronomical observations made by amateur astronomers. AOML is intended to eventually be useful to both casual observers who want to include a lot of free formatted text in a diary-like format, and to serious observers who want a very data-oriented markup that can be readily interfaced with a relational database.

Currently, AOML is in its infancy. However, this project is ongoing, so hopefully AOML will eventually mature into something good. To follow the project, see the AOML GitHub page.

Observing Projects

Here are the specific observing projects that I'm trying to pursue.

Special Observations

Here are some documents describing observations I've made of various special events. This information will eventually get reformatted into AOML and moved to other areas of this log as appropriate.

Other Items

Here is a list containing various other items of interest.

© Copyright 2020 by Peter Chapin
Last Revised: November 19, 2020