Rabbit with Glasses

pchapin's Home Page

Fall 2024

My schedule.

For the courses I have taught in the past, see the bottom of this page.


Here are some additional resources of potential interest to my students.


Links to projects I'm working on:

Links to projects I have worked on in the past:


Work done at Vermont Technical College

Work done at the University of Vermont

Work done at the University of Illinois

Other Courses

The following is a list of courses I have taught in the past along with the semester when I last taught them.

Contacting Me

Email: peter.chapin@vermontstate.edu. I will usually respond to email within 24 hours, not including weekends or holidays. Email is the best way to contact me. I am sometimes on the Libera IRC network under the nickname pcc, or on the OFTC IRC network under the nickname owpeter. I can also be found on the CIS Classes Discord server as pchapin.

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Last Revised: 2024-04-22
© Copyright 2024 by Peter Chapin <peter.chapin@vermontstate.edu>